July 23, 2024
I started more research on the Joe Tippens cancer cure. I read his blog also watched a Q&A sessions for more information and trying to determine what suppliments he was taking along with Fenbendazole. I will have final list of suppliments I am taking along with pictures. I find this helpful for others who want to try this protocol. My next visit with Thoractic Surgeon is on the 30th.
July 30, 2024
My visit with Thoratic Surgeon left me me hopeful and excited. She drew a diagram very detailed on where the tumor was the thoughts of going in and removing tumor. Possible removal of upper left lobe of lung. My next visit is on August 6th for Pet Scan and MRI.
August 6,2024
I had my appointment for PET Scan and MRI. It was easy. My vitals were all good. Amazingly my oxygen level was 98%. It’s mind boggling to have that level with a collapsed lung and COPD…..all by the grace of GOD!
August 9, 2024
My first appointment with Radiology Oncologist after PetScan and MRI. He brought up the PET Scan the scan lit up the whole upper left lung and some node close to throax that concerned me as well as him if radiation was going to be an option. He proceeded to tell me it was now stage 3 because the whole upper lung was deceased and nodes included. GOOD note MRI came back clean. Praise God! Surgery was no longer an option he indicated. He of course recommended Chemo, radiation and immunotherapy. I asked more questions about radiation being near my throat and he indicated it could become very sore to the point of being unable to swallow or eat anything. I expressed I wasn’t interested in something that would make me unable to eat or swallow and a possible food port inserted. I continued to listen to some stats on success with these theraphies. I almost considered it, thinking well its only 6 weeks. After answering some of my questions I advised him I still needed to speak with the Oncologist but was certain I was not going to go that route….again a personal decision.
August 10, 2024
After a bad nights rest probably the heaviness of this new information. I was waiting for all my suppliments to come in from ordering. I said some prayers and asked for guidance for decisions I was making. I then realized I had an appointment on Tuesday for an echocardiogram which was necessary if they were to proceed with surgery. Me being the skeptic that I am. Why are we proceeding with this test if surgery is not an option. Since it was Saturday I was unable to contact office to ask that very question. I would have to wait until Monday.
August 11, 2024
Waking up to a good nights rest I had more clarity on my approach to this prognosis I was given. My faith is strong and only my saviour Jesus Christ determines when my time on this earth ends. I’ll do my best to stay strong and follow a protocol which has shown to be successful. Along with starting a low carb diet, no sense if feeding these cancer cells with glucose. I’m thinking to myself….I have to give up cigarettes and sugar….what!!!. however both great decisions!
August 12, 2024
Called the hospital to ask about why we were proceeding with echocardiogram if surgery not an option. Nurse navigator would have to call be back. After some time received call back and the doctors though it best if I still had procedure done….Huh? Oh in my mind I am thinking dollars…gotta make the money somehow if she is not going with Chemo and radiation. Again my skeptism creeping in. I agreed to show up.
August 13, 2024
Had test done came home nothing unexpected. Looked like almost everyday had suppliments coming in and I was getting excited to start this protocol. I had already started putting Castor Oil on my chest at night and taking Oil of Oregano 4000mg 2 daily along with Apple Cider Vinegar 500 mg. also 2 daily. These were suggested by a co worker who indicated her mom took them during her treatment with breast cancer. I looked up the suppliments and only saw benefits so I decided to add them to my regimen.
August 16, 2024
First Visit to see Onocologist after Pet Scan done. Brought scan up again proceeded to say same as as Radiology Oncologsit. I explained what my plans were provided the infomation to the doctor on my protocol and asked him to give me four months and we can revisit then. He didn’t seem super supportive but of course agreed to see me in December. Came home had all my suppliments and began taking them. I now have another Pet Scan scheduled for December 13th and office visit to go over scan on December 18th.